Metrici Observer Radar

As a request from our partners, Metrici LPR developed an in-house speed radar to be used with the best results with the software.

Our Metrici Observer Radar is a perfect fit for monitoring speed in parking lots, on industrial parks or around specific interest points for a city: e.g. schools, busy streets, crosswalks etc. The speed of a vehicle is recorded in database next to car's photo and along with the usual Metrici LPR reports.

Also, integrated with Metrici Display and the Observer Radar, Metrici LPR can show the speed along with alerts for drivers to slow down or to reduce the speed and abide to the regulations.

The radar could also be used in cities to alert about slow traffic on busy, high traffic roads or school zones.

Furthermore, used in cities, along with Metrici Display, Observer Radar becomes a traffic calming device designed to slow speeders down by alerting them of their speed.
In fact, the studies show that drivers tend to slow speed when alerted about their actual speed.

Tests reveal that:

  • Speeders will slow down up to 80% of the time when alerted by a radar sign
  • Typical speed reductions are 10-20%.
  • Overall compliance with the posted speed limit will go up by 30-60%.